Bank Notes.
Banknotes (UangKertas Foreign / UKA).
The currency notes in the official foreign currency issued by a country outside of Indonesia that is recognized as legal tender, the country concerned (legal tender
Bank Operational I.
Bank is appointed by the Minister of Finance to manage revenues and expenditures that burden the State Treasury Account, in areas where there are no Bank Indonesia
Asian Development Bank (Asian Development Bank / ADB).
Is a multilateral financial development institutions (multilateral development financial institution) owned by 65 members, 47 from Asia and 18 others from around the world. The vision of the ADB is a region free of poverty. Its mission is to assist developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of residents concerned member states.
Islamic Development Bank (Islamic Development Bank).
Is an international financial institution established under the 'Declaration of Intent "issued by the" Conference of Finance Ministers of Muslim Countries "in Jeddah on Dul Q'adah 1393 H (December 1993). Bank formally opened on 15 Shawwal 1395 H or October 20, 1975.
Bank Paying (Paying Bank).
Banks are making a payment to the recipient (beneficiary) upon submission of required documents in the Letter of Credit undocumented Domestic (SKBDN). (9). (Source: Bank Indonesia).
Financing Bank Rakyat Syariah (BPRS).
Islamic Banking is that the activity does not provide traffic services in the payment referred to in Law Number 21 Year 2008 on the previous Syariah.Istilah Banking is 'Sharia Rural Banks' (13). (Source: Bank Indonesia).
Banks accepting (Accepting Bank).
Acceptance is the Bank doing on notes undocumented Domestic Letters of Credit (SKBDN)
Sending bank (Remitting Bank).
Is a bank that sends the documents required in the Letter of Credit undocumented Domestic (SKBDN) to Bank Opening
Confirming Bank
Is confirmed Letter of Credit Bank undocumented Domestic (SKBDN) to bind themselves to pay, accept or transfer mergambil SKBDN draft drawn on it.
Transferor Bank (Transferring Bank).
Is the Bank at the request of Beneficiary (Beneficiary) implement the transfer of undocumented Domestic Letter of Credit (SKBDN), either wholly or partly to one or more other parties
Rural Banks (BPR).
Is a bank conducting business in the conventional or based on sharia principles in their activities do not provide payment services in the traffic.
Perception bank.
Is a bank designated by the Minister of Finance to accept the deposit of State receipts rather than in order to import, which includes tax revenue, domestic tax and non-tax state revenue.
Bank Limited.
Is the bank that all or at least 51% (fifty one percent) owned by the State
Central Bank (Central Bank).
Is a bank acting on behalf of "A State Government" with the right to issue currency for the country and are responsible in the management of money supply, interest rates and credit availability. Central Bank also manages foreign exchange reserves and exchange rates of currencies that State
Banks Take Over (BTO).
Banks dambil is over its management (controlled) by the Government. A Commercial Bank can be taken over when they have been using BLBI (Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance) exceeds 500% of paid up capital and use BLBI more than Rp. 2 trillion.
Interested banks.
Banks are obliged to make payments on notes drawn to him
Designated Banks (Nominated Bank).
Bank is authorized to make payment for performance, conduct acceptance of draft or negotiate (Negotiation).
Sole Bank.
Bank Indonesia was functioning as the manager of revenue and expenditure burden the State Treasury Account
Commercial Banks.
Is a bank conducting business in the conventional and or based on Sharia Principles in their activities providing payment services in the traffic
Basel II.
Is shorthand for "The New Basel Capital Accord" or "New Accord" recommended by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), which is a committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) based in Basel, Switzerland.
New Accord is a refinement of the July 1988 Agreement and its revision in 1996, which was formulated in 3 (three) pillars as follows:
Basel Committee (Basel Committee).
Is a committee of the Bank-Central Bank, the Bank or the supervisory authority of the State Banking Regulatory major industrialized nations who meet every 3 (three) months at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel. The committee co
nsists of senior representatives from the "bank supervisory authority" (banking supervisory) and the Central Bank of the States Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Britain and the United States.
Basis Point (bps).
Is a measure commonly used in assessing the raising or lowering interest rates. 1 (one) basis points = 0.01% (7).
Basis Risk.
This term is related to Credit Risk Transfer, is the risk of loss arising from the lack of accuracy, adequacy compare risk position (imperfectly matched risk positions), such as in-hedge positions by hedge position is supposed to do it, which can occur due to various reasons
Bearer B / L.
Bill of Lading is issued on the holder where the consignee on the B / L is the "bearer" so who controls the B / L or a holder of B / L be able to claim the goods listed on the B / L is. (9)
(Source: Banking Practice)
Bearish Market.
Is a condition of financial markets within a certain period where the market prices of securities are declining. Instead of raising the conditions of market experience, then the condition is called as a Bullish Market (7). (Source: Danareksa).
Benchmark Risk (Risk Benchmark).
Is the risk faced by the Islamic Bank (in Indonesia known as the Islamic Bank) on fixed-income contracts because it can not be changed while the mark up on the Murabaha contract is determined by adding the premium is based on a benchmark rate (usually LIBOR), which change frequently.
Beneficial Owner.
Are customers or prospective customers who act as intermediaries and / or authorized others to open accounts at the bank. In order to apply the principle of Know Your Customer, Bank shall obtain the documents supporting the identity of the Beneficial Owner, and the relationship of law, assignment, authority to act as a power and / or intermediaries from other parties
Is an exporter who received L / C, which is entitled to withdraw the money for L / C according to the requirements set out in the L / C. Benefisiary term also used for receiving incoming foreign currency transfers from abroad
Beneficiary's Certificate.
Certificate is made by the beneficiary / exporter that contains a statement that the person concerned has been carrying out some of the requirements listed in the L / C. This document is frequently requested / required in the L / C by the importer.
Conflicts of interest.
This term is related to the implementation of GCG in Sharia Commercial Banks. Conflict of interest is another difference between the economic interests of the BUS with the personal economic interests of owners, members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Executive Officers BUS.
Included in the category of conflict of interest which reduces the assets or reduce benefits BUS, among others, granting special treatment or rewards and / or for the results that are not in accordance with the procedures and conditions applicable to certain parties. Disclosure of conflicts of interest within minutes of meeting at least include the name of party who has a conflict of interest, the central issue of conflict of interest and the consideration of decision-making
BER (Book Entry Registry).
Is a system of registration of ownership of securities without a paper (scripless) conducted in an electronic journal. The system was implemented for the registration of ownership of Government Bonds (Bonds), Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI) or Government Securities. BI-SSSS; BI-RTGS system and the system BER is a system of mutual support in the administration of scripless securities transactions (Scriptless) at Bank Indonesia
The cost of Monetary Stability.
Is the cost incurred by Bank Indonesia as the monetary authority to maintain monetary stability. The costs include interest costs Certificates of Bank Indonesia as well as the cost of intervention to maintain exchange rate stability. Total cost of monetary stability in 2005 reached Rp.18 trillion, while 2006 is estimated to reach Rp. 20 trillion
Amortized cost of financial assets or financial liabilities.
Is the amount of financial assets or financial liabilities measured at initial recognition minus principal payments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method which is calculated from the difference between the initial value and maturity value, and reduced decline (either eirectly or using the approximate reserve) to decrease the value or values that can not be billed
Transaction costs.
Are additional costs that may diatribusikansecara directly to the acquisition, issuance or disposal of financial assets or financial liabilities. Adalahbiaya additional costs that will not happen if the entity does not acquire, publish or release of financial instruments
Bid Bond (Bank Guarantee Tender).
Billing Statement.
Is a summary of all activities carried out through an account in a specified period (for example one month) is called a single billing cycle. Billing cycle is the period covered in a billing statement. Recorded in the billing statement of all payments, purchases, charges, interest, penalties and other transactions. The term is commonly used on credit cards
Bill of Lading (B / L).
Also known as freight bill of lading is a document issued or issued by the airline freight / shipping / her agent. In the B / L confirmed that it has received certain goods to be transported to a place / specific purpose and will deliver the goods to a particular party / receiver based on the terms agreed upon.
Is the dealer's record book (can also be a sheet) that contains the "deal" that did the dealer a bank with a dealer from a bank or other financial institutions regarding the placement or receipt of funds. Contents blotter, among others, date and hour and minute of the deal happens, Name counterpart (dealers) of other banks, the amount of funds placed (SOLD) or received (Bought), FX rate, value date, placement type, maturity, initials dealers concerned, the initial supervisor or Head dealer, records or information. At the end of the day, recorded on the blotter; Total Bought: Total Sold and Open Position, Gains and Losses
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